Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Management innovation in the South African dairy industry Essay

The case focuses on management innovation in the South African dairy industry, describing how an innovative new yoghurt product, Danimal, was created specifically for the market at the base of the pyramid. It explains how management of the product line embodied the various innovation opportunities and challenges presented. The concept was initially introduced in order to assess the feasibility of profitably servicing this market. However, the project was not simply about introducing a cheap brand to poor people but was more about creating brand awareness in the market at the base of the pyramid. It was an investment for the future. The new product took into consideration the nutritional shortcomings in the diet of children in this market and also allowed for the lack of available infrastructure – electricity and refrigeration. The case illustrates the importance of a product being affordable, relevant and available for this market. Innovation went further than product design and also took into account the necessity of a lean distribution channel. This took the form of micro-distributers, referred to as Danimamas, who comprised township residents, unemployed or part-time employed individuals. The case offers insights into the complexity of doing business in developing countries. The company admits that it has not been a sustainable business model in terms of current profitability but the value that has been gained from social marketing and long-term brand development has been great. The case concludes with the challenge of how to ensure that the project continues on its upward trajectory. The objectives of the case are to encourage students to have a better understanding of the strategies required to successfully impact on low-income markets in developing countries, the different metrics that one could consider when assessing the impact of interventions on the base of the pyramid market, and the importance of harnessing opportunities and overcoming the challenges of management innovation. Questions to answer: How does the Danimal project shed light on and challenge the principals suggested to manage the base of the pyramid? How would you measure the success of the Danimal project? How does the approach taken by Maria Pretorius in managing the Danimal product line factor in management innovation opportunities and challenges?

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Ict in Supermarkets

IT in the Supermarket Information systems are used widely in shops and in the distribution of goods and one area in which their use is particularly important is supermarkets. Computer systems are used in a variety of ways in the modern, large supermarket, from stock control to maintaining temperatures in fridges and freezers. In this section we will look in more detail at these systems in one particular large supermarket, which is part of a national chain. The supermarket uses several computers which are located in a room known as the system office and form the upermarkets own Local Area Network. These computers are used to control the stock and are connected to the checkouts. These are the ‘branch computers'. The computers are multifunctional, and each can access the data, which gives the management a number of access points. Admin and stock control staff now have access to hand held computers, SEC (Shelf Edge Computers). These are used for price changes, creating stock pictur es (information on stock totals) and for forecasting deliveries. Like many companies, they have experimented with giving customers hand held scanners to enter their own shopping.The experiment has been discontinued due to huge stock losses, staff called them ‘Shop and Rob’ rather than ‘Shop and Go’. The company is currently looking at developing a better system to get round these problems. Each product to be sold must have an identifying code number which is different from that of every other product. Different sizes of the same product even need different code numbers. These code numbers are printed onto the labels or packaging of the product in the form of bar codes. Located at each checkout is an ELECTRONIC POINT OF SALE ( EPOS ) till. ThisEPOS till comprises a keyboard, a digital display, a scanner which reads bar codes, a set of scales, a printer, a credit / debit card reader and a till drawer. Each till also has its own base to which all of the above is attached. It is the base unit which is connected by cables to the branch computer in the supermarket's system office. Bar codes are made up of a set of black lines and white spaces. Look at the bar code. You can see that it is split into two halves, and each half is contained within two thin black stripes. The diagram shows the pattern of lines for each digit on the bar code.Notice that the pattern for a digit on the right hand half of a bar code is the opposite of the one on the left hand half. Many bar codes today use the European Article Number or EAN. This is a thirteen digit number which can be used to uniquely identify a product. Using the bar code shown as an example : a) The first 2 digits represent the country from which the company producing the product comes. 50 – U. K. b) The next five digits represent the company which produced the product. 00208 – Lyons Tetley Ltd. c) The following five digits represent the product. 02100 – 80 Tea bags. ) The la st number is a check digit. This is used to make sure the bar code has been read correctly. So 5000208021000 is the EAN for a box of 80 Tetley tea bags. The bar codes on products are read by the EPOS tills at the checkouts. This is achieved by using a scanner, which sends out infra-red laser beams via a set of mirrors, enabling the bar code to be read at most angles. When an item is passed over the scanner, the black and white parts of the code are detected by the laser, as the black parts reflect very little light whilst the white parts reflect most of the light.This is converted into electrical pulses which are sent along the cables to the branch computer. The branch computer then searches its stock file for the product matching the EAN number. When this record is located the price and description of the product is extracted and sent back to the EPOS till at the checkout which then shows this item and price on the digital display, prints them on a receipt and adds the price to the total. At the same time, the branch computer records that one of this item has been sold. We will look at how this is used for stock control on other pages.When a bar code has been correctly scanned, the scanner emits a bleep. If no such sound is made, the item can be passed over the scanner again until it has been correctly read. The keyboard is used to enter codes of products that will not scan, for example reduced price items. The scales at the EPOS till are also linked up to the branch computer. All loose fruit and vegetables are weighed at the checkout. Each product has a code number which, when typed in at the keyboard, gives the customer a description of the product on the receipt along with the weight and price of the purchase.The weight of the product is also deducted from the stock file. As well as printing an itemised receipt, the printer attached to the EPOS till can also print the name of the supermarket, the date and the amount owing on cheques and debit / credit card vouchers. This lessens the chance of mistakes as well as minimising the amount of time a customer has to spend at the checkout. Not every customer pays by cash or cheque though. Many now opt to pay by a debit card such as Switch or Delta. In these cases the customer’s card is swiped through the card reader which reads the information ( such as the account umber and date of expiry ) held on the magnetic strip on the back of the card. The latest in store development has been the arrival of smart card readers at the EPOS. A debit card with a smart chip is placed in the reader and the customer then enters their PIN to authorise the money being taken out of their account. This is much more secure than signing a docket as it cannot be forged. This information is then added to the details of how much the customer has spent and, after checking that sufficient funds are present, used to transfer this amount from the customer’s bank account to that of the supermarket’s.T his process is called ELECTRONIC FUNDS TRANSFER and works even if the supermarket's bank is different from that of the customer. PRICING The price of a product, as we have seen, is sent to the EPOS terminal when the product’s bar code is read. In the past, every single item had a price sticker attached and when a price change was required, new labels had to be placed over the old ones. This was a time consuming task, as every single item on the shelves of the product requiring the price change required a new label. Mistakes were sometimes made and customers over or undercharged. Nowadays there are no price labels ttached to products, neither does the packaging of the product show the price. The only reference to the price of a product is contained on a label attached to the shelf where that product is situated. These shelf labels are produced by the branch computer and are printed out in different sizes according to the size of the shelf display for a particular product. Tech nology. As bar codes are scanned, the branch computer looks for items which are on special offer and discounts the prices where necessary. STOCK CONTROL There are, in fact, six branch computers linked to the EPOS terminals at the checkouts.They all record information about items sold and provide backup for each other. If only one computer was used and it broke down, the supermarket could not function. These branch computers are linked via the satellite links to a large main computer housed at the supermarket's head office elsewhere in the country. All branches of this supermarket are also linked in this way to the main computer and this is an example o an extranet. Special offers such as Multibuy – â€Å"Buy two and get one free† or LinkSave – â€Å"Buy one product and save 50% on another† could not be offered before the introduction of InformationAfter the supermarket has closed at the end of the day, the following happens : 1) The branch computer sends the details of every individual sale to the main computer at the Head Office. 2) Using this information, the main computer system updates its record of the number in stock of every item in the store. The SEC allows managers to get a real time stock picture and allows a manager to escalate stock deliveries from nothing to 72 hours to 48 hours. It also gives a better picture of stock losses and improves the service the shop can give its customers 3) Using a forecast of sales along with other factors ( uch as the weather and the time of the year etc. ) the system automatically orders the correct amount of stock required by the store for the next available delivery 48 or 72 hours ahead. 4) The main computer also transmits these orders to computers in the distribution centres (large warehouses storing products ready for delivery to stores ) across the satellite link. 5) These distribution centres then deliver the required stock to the stores immediately. 6) Price changes and prices of ne w products, special offers etc. are sent back to branch computer in the supermarket. ) New shelf labels are printed and the night staff of the supermarket place these on the shelves ready for the following day. The company also uses computers for staff recruitment. New applicants can fill in an application form over the Internet and have it vetted by the Head Office. This saves time at branch level and serves to get rid of some applicants. If an applicant fills in a form at the branch, this can be scanned in and then uploaded to the Head office. JUST IN TIME v STANDARD METHOD OF STOCK CONTROL In the standard method, a shop selling cookers etc, keeps it stock in a shop and in an attached warehouse.When stock in the shop are runs low it is replenished from the warehouse. A check is kept on how much stock is in the warehouse. When the warehouse needs new stock, an order is placed with the appropriate suppliers – or with the organisation’s main warehouse – and the g oods are delivered. In addition to being used for stock control, the information from scanning is collected on the main computer at the Head Office to build up a ‘profile' or description of the way in which its customers shop. For example, the ratio of customers who use a washing powder to those who use a liquid detergent an be calculated from the sales of washing detergents in any particular store. From this sort of information, the amount of shelf space to be given to a product can be calculated. OTHER USES The stores are also big users of email. Each store is connected to each other, to every depot and to the Head Office. The email is used for area initiatives, promotional planning, quality control issues, head office bulletins, warning about shoplifters and banning letters. The ‘just-in-time’ system takes advantage of a stock information system. As products pass through the electronic points of sales (EPOS), the relevant data is sent to a atabase containing in formation about stock levels. When stock falls below a set level more is ordered. Thus only a bare minimum of necessary stock is ordered and there is no need to maintain a large, fully stocked warehouse. In some cases the system is fully automated, working out how what stock is needed and electronically processing and communicating the order. Advantages †¢ Money is saved because less warehouse space needs to be purchased and maintained. †¢ Economies can be made in regard to labour costs, i. e. fewer staff are needed. †¢ The business is more aware of and more responsive to hanges in supply and demand Disadvantages †¢ If there is disruption to the transport system, shops and businesses will quickly run out of stock. †¢ Shops can still be caught out by sudden changes in buying patterns. In such cases they often find themselves without the stock the customers are asking for. †¢ An ICT system can be costly to set up and maintain, and expertise – which may also be costly – will be needed to run it. INTERNET SHOPPING Some supermarket companies now have websites which allow you to shop over the Internet, this has allowed them access to different markets i. e. people who do not have ransport to get to the store. Businesses have recognised that the Internet allowed people to interact with each other in a different way, and it gave the potential for creating new markets and in reinvigorating old ones. Businesses began to use the Internet in different ways: †¢ As a means of communicating information about the products and services they offer; †¢ As a ‘virtual shop’, allowing customers to purchase goods and services online; †¢ As a free service which makes money by advertisers to use the site; †¢ As a subscription service, e. g. allowing subscribers access to valuable information such as might be ontained in research papers; †¢ As an interactive site that encourages customers to give them fee dback on their products. Steps in interactive shopping 1. The customer views the company’s products via a website and selects the object(s) for purchase. 2. The customer enters his order, together with credit card details, via an on-screen form. 3. An encryption system or secure link is used to protect the transaction and to ensure credit card details are not accessible. 4. The order is received and sent to a database. 5. The information in the database is communicated to a distribution centre where rders are made up. 6. The order is delivered to the customer. Advantages to the customer †¢ Customers do not have to travel long distances to the shops and struggle through crowds to make their purchases. †¢ It can be beneficial to those customers who are disabled or who, for some other reason find it difficult to travel to shops. †¢ New, smaller, more specialised businesses present themselves on he web, thus widening the range of goods and services available. Advan tages to the business †¢ Overheads can be cut. A web-based business does not necessarily need a high street shop and staff to run it.Small specialised concerns have therefore been able to establish themselves on the web with very little capital outlay. †¢ Many new businesses have been created via the Internet; some have been successful some not. The overall effect, however, has been to invigorate the business environment by introducing healthy competition. Some difficulties †¢ Despite assurances by business that their sites are secure, many people are anxious about giving out their credit card details online. There have been sufficient examples of Internet-based credit cards fraud to justify this fear. †¢ Anybody can set up an online business and some ebsites are not run in an honest and reliable manner. Customers have ordered and paid for goods that hve never arrived. †¢ Shopping is not just a functional act. It is also a social activity. People go shopping to be with their friends and enjoy the atmosphere of towns and cities. Computers are also used to control the freezers and chillers throughout the store. In the warehouse, the large freezers have to be kept within a certain temperature range. This is achieved by having temperature sensors inside each freezer which monitor the conditions and switch the cooling motor on or off.On the floor of the supermarket are many freezers and chillers which are used to store and display a wide variety of products such as fresh meat, dairy produce and frozen goods. CONTROL SYSTEMS Different products have different requirements in terms of temperature. Fresh meat, for instance, may have to be kept at 4 C whilst ice cream has to be stored at -15 C. The freezers and chillers therefore are kept at many different temperatures and, in the past, an employee of the supermarket had to check the temperature of the chiller every hour. Now every freezer and chiller is linked to a computer in the branch office .A temperature sensor in each freezer or chiller constantly MONITORS the temperature, sending data back to this computer which sends signals back, when needed, switching the individual freezer / chiller motors on or off, thus maintaining the correct temperatures. A display on each freezer / chiller shows the temperature to customers. the build up of ice but without defrosting the food. Any breakdowns are detected immediately, minimising the risk of food thawing and therefore being wasted. ADVANTAGES The advantages of using Information Technology in supermarkets can be broken down into two sections, the enefits to the customer and the benefits to the supermarket and its management. It must be remembered that changes and improvements come about over a period of time, for instance, while the introduction of Information Technology may save the supermarket chain money eventually, it requires a good deal of investment, both in terms of resources and training, initially and throughout its development. This is called a ‘closed loop control system'. As can be seen from the diagram, the freezer can be either on or off ( the PROCESS ) which leads to the freezer being a certain temperature ( the RESULT ). The temperature of the freezer s then either too high, too low or alright and this FEEDBACK is used to change the process if necessary (turns the freezer from off to on, or on to off. ) Every three or four hours, each freezer has to be defrosted and the computer controls this process as well, turning the freezer off long enough to stop To the customer * faster and more efficient checkout services. * itemised till receipts. * products more tailored to their needs. * fresher goods due to low stock levels held by supermarkets. * special offers. * benefits to the supermarket passed on in the way of lower prices or increased customer services. * various methods of payment. chilled or frozen food kept at the correct temperature. To the supermarket and its management * ef ficient stock control, less chance of goods being out of stock. * more efficient checkouts, less chance of errors by staff. * ability to use sales forecasts and ‘profiles', leading to more efficient use of shelf space. * little warehouse space required in each supermarket due to distribution system. * ability to monitor the performance of checkout staff. * shelf pricing more cost effective than labels on products. * ability to use electronic funds transfer improves cash flow. * effective management of chilled and frozen goods.

Monday, July 29, 2019

The Role Of The Federal And Provincial Governments In Compliance With Essay

The Role Of The Federal And Provincial Governments In Compliance With Kyoto Protocol While Increasing Oil Gains In Alberta - Essay Example Over the past century, man-made emissions have increased markedly and the vast majority of scientist, in a growing volume of established studies, have concluded that the earth's climate is changing rapidly due to the alarming amount of green house gases released into the atmosphere as a result of human activitiesiv. The gases that are categorized as Green House Gases include: carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, methane, chlorofluorocarbon, hydroflourocarbons and tetraflouromethane. Of these gases, carbon dioxide is the most prevalent and appears to carry the largest chunk of green house gases emitted by human activities. Scientist have demonstrated that these gases accumulate in the atmosphere, and that in large concentrations, they are capable of trapping heat within the earth's surface and in the process, overriding the planet's natural climatic variability resulting in irreversible climatic changev. This essay therefore intends to look at the problem of green house gas emission as it affects Canada's oil production, especially in the Alberta oil sands. The paper will specifically analyze how the federal and provincial governments are working towards solving this problem, with respect to the moral and legal obligations imposed on the country through the ratification of the Kyoto protocol and the competing interests of oil companies. The federal and provincial government, though sincere about attaining the emission reduction targets set by Kyoto, do not want to compromise the wealth that accrues from the Alberta oil production. In essence, though emission reduction is gradually being achieved through the several policies and programs, the oil companies are still allowed to increase their green house gas emission, accounting for this through the purchase of emission permits, either domestically or through international alliances. From this, it can be inferred that the oil companies are willing to cooperate with the government in achieving emissions reduction, as long as it does not impact negatively on their profits. This essay will demonstrate the tensions and compromises made between the governments and oil companies in their attempts to satisfy both economic and environmental concerns. In doing so, the first part of the essay shall take a look at the idea of ecological modernization

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Hofstedes Theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Hofstedes Theory - Essay Example A look into globalization and its effects on international businesses, and the pressure of achieving competitive advantage in the global economy is discussed. Special significance is given to studying the differences between UK and Japanese cultures and to see if any common grounds can be reached for effective management.  Ã¢â‚¬Å"The world is full of confrontations between people, groups, and nations who think, feel and act differently, but, at the same time, they are exposed to common problems that demand cooperation for their solution.† (Hofstede & Hofstede, 2005, pg3) The above statement effectively summarises the content of the following essay. Since ‘culture’ forms the core topic of the essay, we shall start with defining culture. Culture has been defined time and again by numerous researchers in different ways, but it is important to understand this concept from both sociological and organizational perspectives. Studying culture at societal level will give us a better understanding of the organisational context. Culture is defined as a pattern of shared assumptions that a group learned in order to solve problems, and that the group decided is valid enough to be taught to future generations as the right way of perceiving and solving these problems (Schein, 2004, pg17). In other words, culture is something that is learned and passed on, and not inherited (Hofstede, 1997). It is a multi-faceted concept with many dimensions (Mullins, 1999). Having established ‘culture’ and its application in society, it is evident that individual societies behave according to their own cultural spectra of values and norms, which effectively form their own individual personalities.

MEDIA THEORIES Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

MEDIA THEORIES - Essay Example Marx’s idealistic view of socialism involved actions that would better serve society within the realm of unselfish inspiration, a society not interested in existing social inclinations. The wealth of a nation should be divided not according to greed but to need. He sees the technological advances of the modern world as the basis for entire societies to be redistributed in accordance to the requirements of the upper class. Marx theorized that the upper-class controls the formation and definition of these ideologies so as to prevent people in the lower-class from knowing how society truly operates. For example, literature was used to form social ideology in eighteenth century England. Today, literature has been replaced by the media. This discussion will introduce Marx’s social theories and then investigate how they are put into practice within the media by analyzing the film Trading Places with Eddie Murphy and Dan Ackroyd. The central concepts of Marxist economics include the theory of labour value, the disposition of production and the inevitable conflicts between the classes. Conflicts will always persist because the upper class can never totally control the lower classes. Lesser concepts include the idea of increased misery, the obsession with possessions and the consequences of economic alienation. Marx’s theories of labour value combined with his concepts of capitalism endeavour to clarify how the revenue system operates to the benefit of the upper classes and the detriment of the lower classes. Marx defines wealth as something produced by labour from resources originating in the natural world. In terms of capitalism, wealth becomes a vast accrual of possessions. Commodities are articles of wealth created solely as a means to exchange other objects so as to enhance wealth. The instruments of production such as factories, railroads and land are considered capital when they are employed to e xploit human labour in order to

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Business Report about Dental coverage In Australia Assignment

Business Report about Dental coverage In Australia - Assignment Example The rising problem of getting timely dental treatment and increase in expenditures of the individuals has led to the intervention of the government in terms of increase in fund allocation and grant of licenses to more number of private insurers. The increase in the dental coverage in Australia has led to the rise in availability and affordability of dental care treatment for the people of Australia. The various schemes launched by the government focused on the fissure sealants for children. These are dental treatment procedures where the teeth of the children are covered by a sealed coating in order to prevent damage in future. The fissure salient for children has helped to reduce the carryover of dental problems to adulthood. Various recommendations for addressing the dental problems and role of the dental coverage in Australia have been mentioned. The inclusion of specialized schemes for children in the coverage provided by the private insurers to the Australian people would help t o mitigate the dental problems in future. The awareness programs run in the schools and the communities would help to address the problem in an inclusive manner. Discussion of Contributing Facts Dental coverage and care is associated to the physical, mental and social well being of the children and adults in the society. The Australian system of dental coverage is dominated by 90% of the players representing the private sector. Thus the Australian people tend to remain in the waiting list in terms of receiving timely treatment from the public sector. The rise in the number of patients in the domain of dental care is also due to untimely receipt of dental coverage and treatment from the childhood which is in turn carried over by the time the children grows into matured adults (Australian Dental Association, 2013, p.17). Due to the lack of treatment of the dental problems in the public sector due to shortage of trained medical staffs over a period of time, the major problem generally arise due to dislocation of teeth, inappropriate fitting of dentures, etc. This leads to increase in cost of treatment on dental care for which dental coverage has attained huge significance in the recent times (Consumer Health Forum of Australia, 2012, p.2). A quick look at the contributing facts could provide a clear idea on the scope of dental coverage in Australia. Neglect in dental hygiene in the childhood leading to carryover of dental problems in adulthood. Untimely dental treatment due to increase in waiting list in the public sector (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2011, p.34). Increasing cost of dental care due to dislocation of teeth, inaccurate filing of teeth and mistake in fitting of denture. Absence of adequate trained dental staffs in the public sector facilities leading to dependence on the private sector. Discussion of the problem The increase in the cases of dental care, increase in the public sector waiting list for dental treatment and increasing cos t of the Australian people led to the intervention of the government to solve the rising need for dental care and coverage. The expenditure of the government increased from $5.3 billion in 2005-06 to $7.8 billion in 2010-11 (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2011, p.49). The break-up of the contributions of the governments,

Friday, July 26, 2019

Tin roof(bar)Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Tin roof(bar)Marketing - Essay Example Social media marketing does not face any hindrance concerning geographical setting hence customers from whatever geographical location can be reached. Social media builds brand, product awareness, a brand is a long-term picture of a given commodity, and it is that which makes a product be known for quite some time. The intensity of a brand has the implication of enabling individuals know a product more, it can be used to create new customers by letting them know about the business. Secondly, letting them be your friends, making of friends is something quite hard given its procedural; on the contrary, it is quite easier through the social media (Keillor pg. 13). This will enable them buy from Tin Roof (bar) as their brand of choice. Social media marketing is worth investing in because of several reasons, which include and is not restricted to the following. It is in social media where customers are easily found as everyone in the target market use social media in one way or another. F ace book, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest and  mobile apps and games  have all become favorite pastimes across the world (Schepp and Debra pg. 112). ... ts the products and brands on a platform as well as the product messages to be shared; this leads to awareness hence many individuals would know the product. Interest is also developed on a product hence creating customer loyalty, and sales improvement, which leads to increased revenue, and hence the profit and company image will as well increase. (Keillor pg. 45). The company should therefore use this method to widen the operation base of the company. In the world of competition, the use of social media has the impact of leveling the playing field, as Tin Roof (Bar) Company will be in the position of receiving enquiries from big and small prospective clients alike. The company will be in the position of achieving the set marketing objectives using similar tools like the others and applying the same rules. This means social media sites are both less costly and easy to access irrespective of whether the company is a big one or a small one. This is despite the fact that such companies would still own a bigger chunk of the platform depending on their resource base. Another reason that Tin Roof (Bar) will find social media helpful in marketing is that social media is searchable and it would aid consumers to look for its products and services through online searches. This is because, through social media the company’s organic Google search results will be affected and hence provide entry to the website of the company. This form of interlinking the platform used whether, face book, twitter, Skype or any other platform has the impact of creating value for the company’s products (Schepp and Debra pg. 72-5). Furthermore, social media content is sharable. One of the major purposes of a social media platform is to find contents and share them irrespective of where they find

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Iphone 6 Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Iphone 6 - Article Example New outstanding features like the Reachability allow the user to interact with the larger part of the screen in many different ways. By just double touching the Home button, the entire screen magically shift down closer to user’s thumb (Apple, pp 2). Beyond that, there is easily to navigate mail or safari, one need to just swipe left to right and the screen will tend to flow backwards or just swipe right to left and the screen will tend to flow forward. With the new devised smooth and continuous surface, all the gestures certainly feel smother than ever imagined. To make such a large iPhone extraordinary light, Apple pioneered the display technologies. Every material used was carefully selected, each detail meticulously devised, engineered and crafted until iPhone 6 was unbelievably thin and continuous form. From the stainless steel and anodized aluminum to the curved of the glossily polished glass, iPhone 6 is intuitively worth its every weight in silver, gold, and space gray. Apple has created another human like creature that assists human in every possible way (Apple, pp

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Working with UNIX Text Editors Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Working with UNIX Text Editors - Essay Example The writer mode allows the operator to enter the text on the system, the write mode uses the lower case letters, and this is because the visual editor is more sensitive to lower case letters (Peek, Peek, Robbins, Lamb, Rosenblatt & Dougherty, 2000). Two ways might be used to create or open the file using the Visual text editor (VI). Some of those ways include; typing the word VI on the computer command space and saving the file using the most appropriate name that one has chosen. The file might be open by tying the VI and the name that one used to save the document. The second way of creating and accessing the document is by typing the name VI, this is accompanies by the file name. For example, if one wants to create or open a file named as Joe, one may type vi/home/Joe to access that particular file (Peek, Peek, Robbins, Lamb, Rosenblatt & Dougherty, 2000). Some of the common navigation commands utilized by VI include but not limited to; b, 1, j, k, (,), W, 1G, W, U, B, F and D. The command implies that one should move left, while 1 means that there should move one character on the right, the character J means one line downward movement while k implies one line upward movement. The command, (, means the beginning of the sentence while,), means the quell of a sentence. The command w means a word should be written. On the other hand, the command, Ctrl>U make the screen to move the screen halfway while command B moves the entire screen upwards. Command F moves the screen downwards and finally command D makes the screen to move halfway (Sco Group, Inc, 2005). The VI has three modes of operation namely; input, command and line operation modes. The input mode is used for entering a text into a given file. This mode requires the user to type the word VI into the command prompt. The

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Explain, with examples from recent years in the UK, the main reasons Essay

Explain, with examples from recent years in the UK, the main reasons why a government taxes its citizens - Essay Example This paper will be discuss why the United Kingdom government collects taxes from its citizens and to what use the collected taxes are used for in the state. Some of the reasons the United Kingdom government collects tax from its citizens is in order to facilitate the construction and maintenance schools or education, as well as hospitals and roads. When looking at schools, it will be right to say that the taxes collected by the state in this endeavor is used in the public school sector where the government has a responsibility to provide free education. Hence, the money collected as taxes are used to maintain the schools and besides that cater for any expenses incurred. Public hospitals are another area where taxes are utilized in the name of public service offered by the government to its citizens, here the government offers health care at a subsidized rate in order to offer cheaper medical care and assistance to the less privileged in society. The state also collects taxes in order to be able to provide defenses as well as military capabilities to the state. Defense is one of the most important duties a state has to its citizens. Therefore, majority of the taxes are usually consumed in defense, the state uses the resources possible to track information as well as protecting the country from internal and external attacks of terrorism. Being so the government uses the money to provide the defense ministry with the required necessities to protect the state from attacks as well as be prepared for war when the need may arise. Citizens in the United Kingdom also pay taxes in order to support the royal family.For example the recent royal wedding between Kate Middleton and Prince William expenses were paid for by the tax payer The British government has the civil list, which contains the list of members of the royal family who receive payment in exchange of performing state duties. Such duties include opening buildings,

Monday, July 22, 2019

Science investigation report Essay Example for Free

Science investigation report Essay The moment the paper clip is dipped in, time the electroplating process for 30 seconds. 10. After 30 seconds, take out the paper clip, switch off the power supply and weigh the final mass of the paper clip. 11. Repeat step five to eleven a second time to obtain a second set of results. Use a new paper clip each time when repeating the steps. 12. Repeat step five to twelve, increasing the voltage of the current by 2V each time. 13. Tabulate the results. Results The table shows the changes of masses in the initial and final mass of the paper clips when undergoing electroplating at different voltages. Voltage of Electric Current (V) Trial 1 Trial 2 Average Mass Change (g) Initial Mass (g) Final Mass (g) Mass Change (g) Initial Mass (g) Final Mass (g) Mass Change (g) Graph Analysis of Results and Graph. After conducting the experiment, it is found that when the voltage of the electricity from the power supply was 2V (the least voltage among the others), the mass change in the paper clip before and after the electroplating process was the least, which meant that the rate of electrolysis was the slowest here, hence the mass of the copper metal plated onto the paper clip was the lightest. As the voltage of the electric current increased by 2V gradually each time, the mass change in the paper clip before and after electroplating increased as well, this meant that the mass of the copper metal plated onto the paper clip also increased. This meant that when the voltage of the electric current was at its largest (10V), the mass change of the paper clip before and after the electroplating process was the largest, and hence the mass of the copper metal plated onto the paper clip was the heaviest. As the voltage increased by 2V each time, the mass of the copper metal deposited onto the paper clip mostly increased at a constant rate of 0. 004, with the result at 8V being a little off, but still valid. The graph shows how the voltages of the electric current affect the mass change of the paper clip before and after the electroplating process. It is a linear graph, where the gradient of the graph increases constantly at the same rate. There is a rather positive association between the voltage and the mass change in paper clip, and the strength of the association is strong, so it is safe to say that both variables are directly proportionate to each other. Throughout the entire experiment, the gradient increased at a proportionate rate, which indicates and proves that the formula Q = It and V = IR is true and is directly proportionate. Hence, at the lowest voltage, the mass of copper metal deposited on the paper clip was the least and at the highest voltage, the mass of the copper metal deposited on the paper clip was the most. Conclusion The results from the experiment showed that as the voltage of the electric current increased, the mass of the copper metal deposited on the paper clip also increased. Therefore, I can say that my hypothesis is supported and correct. This is because when the voltage of the electric current increased gradually, the current in the circuit increased as well. As the current increased, the charge of the electric current increased as well, as said so in the formulas. This would mean that the flow of electrons is faster; hence the rate of electroplating would also be faster. This would mean that the mass of copper metal deposited on the paper clip within 30 seconds would also increase. Therefore, as the voltage of the electric current increases, the mass of the copper metal deposited on the paper clip also increased. Reliability I can say that my experiment is rather reliable because I repeated everything 2 times to get the average results so that the results would be more accurate. There were no problems and the results when repeated, were rather similar to each other except for one or two sets where the difference varied by 0. 014g and 0. 010g. This probably happened due to the uncontrolled variable the surface area of the paper clip submerged in the electrolyte. The apparatus used were all reliable and in good condition, with none being broken. The method was as precise as possible, taking note of everything and the details. For example, I tried to make sure the surface area of the copper metal piece submerged in the electrolyte was constant each trial at 0. 7cm2 so that it would be fair. I also measured each of the 10 paper clips individually because no one paper clip has the same weight so it would be unfair to assume that all paper clips has the same mass. The method described and explained every step, and provided the results needed. The results analysis were described and explained with as many details as possible, and there were no miscalculations and major errors during the experiment. Validity The experiment was valid, as the apparatus used measured everything needed, for example, I used a 20cm ruler to measure the surface area of the copper metal piece to be submerged into the electrolyte. The 25cm3 measuring cylinder could have been replaced by a 50cm3 measuring cylinder to measure 100cm3 of CuSO4 solution, but then due to limited number of apparatus, a 25cm3 measuring cylinder was used. Nonetheless, it still fulfilled the requirements of measuring 100cm3 of CuSO4. The balance used to measure the mass of the paper clip was electronic, so there were no zero errors either. The method was valid as the dependent and independent variables were measured and results were obtained. The hypothesis was valid as the outcome of the experiment supported it. Limitations and Improvements If I could do the experiment again, The results could be repeated a couple of times more for more accurate results, and a few more sets of results could be taken, to broaden the set of results. This could give a clearer graph, as the graph could show more prominently that it is linear if there were more sets of results. When the paper clips were submerged into the electrolyte each time, the surface area of the paper clip submerged was not accurately constant throughout, as I had only estimated the approximate surface area for each paper clip. I could have bent the paper clip into a long thin metal wire and measured the length that would be submerged in the solution, as this would help further ensure that the surface area of the paper clip that was to be electroplated to be more constant. Instead of using the same copper sulphate electrolyte for the entire experiment, I could have changed the solution after every trial, as after some of the trials I could see a thin film of copper left on the surface of the solution. To ensure that this would not affect the experiment results, I could have used a new copper sulphate solution for each trial.

Review of Parrot in the Oven Essay Example for Free

Review of Parrot in the Oven Essay Parrot in the Oven: Mi Vida is a coming of age novel written in 1996, by Victor Martinez. The story is set in California and is told from the point-of-view of a fourteen year old, Mexican American boy. Manuel Hernandez, like many young men, struggles with identity. Manny’s life is hard. He has two older siblings and a baby sister. His mother does not work. His father is unemployed and an alcoholic. The main provider and only person in his house that can keep a steady job is his older sister. His older brother cannot hold a job long. As would be expected, Manny’s family lives in the projects. Project life brings its own problems. The Garcia boys live in Manny’s neighborhood. They constantly terrorize and beat him. Manny does not fight back. He realizes that he is outnumbered and too afraid to do anything. This could be one of the reasons Manny joins a boxing club in school, and later joins a gang. Family life is not much better for Manny. Throughout the story Manny deals with an alcoholic father and a borderline obsessive compulsive mother that have both become bitter and resentful. Manny’s brother is rarely home, but when he is he is often drunk. His older sister is resentful that she must carry the family. At one point in the story she gets pregnant and soon loses the baby. Chapter nine shines light on a key aspect of Manny’s character. As the title implies, Manny is naive. He lives in a predominantly Latino community where racial discrimination is non-existent. In this section of the book, Manny’s boss urges his daughter to invite Manny to her birthday party. She reluctantly agrees. Manny tells his brother, Nardo, about the party. Nardo and their sister try to explain to Manny that white people do not usually interact with Mexicans socially; he is most likely being used. Manny does not listen. He is in lust. Needless to say, the party ends badly. A terrible home life, hormones and identity issues lead Manny to gangs. He takes the beating, as a form of initiation, so that he can kiss a girl. He is not entirely sold on the gang culture but feels that he should hang out with the members. On his first run with Eddie, a gang member, he witnesses Eddie assault a woman and steal her purse. At that moment he recognizes that Eddie is the guy that knocked up his sister. Frozen in place, Manny realizes that gang-life is not for him. He goes home and watches his sisters sleep, knowing that although life at home is rough there is nowhere else he would rather be. Parrot in the Oven: Mi Vida exposes many aspects familiar to first- and second-generation Mexican American families. Many young minorities might be able to relate to Manny’s struggles. Even though the book deals with ugly issues like abuse, alcoholism, racism, teen pregnancy and gangs, the book also provides a space for discussion around identity, self-esteem and pride. I would definitely recommend this book to students.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Water Supply And Pollution In Singapore

Water Supply And Pollution In Singapore Water is the most essential needs for living things, some countries like Mexico and Egypt are able to obtain clean water easily, however it is a life or death issue in many countries in the world. One of the counties that used to have a water problem is Singapore. Singapore is an island and urban city state which had problems with water in its early days. It is because Singapore does not have natural lakes and there is only little land to collect rainwater. However, in the last 4 decades Singapore has proven itself to be a country that successfully deals with water. This essay will discuss about the water related problems in Singapore, how the PUB (Public Utilities Board) as the Singapores national water agency overcome those problems, and some leadership factors that contribute to the success of PUB in solving the problems. Problems and solutions Water pollution has never been a new phenomenon and it has always been part of the ecological system. It can be caused by erosion, siltation of the streams, flood, dead animal, also the increase of human activities, etc. This phenomenon happened in many parts of the world, it happens especially in the developing country and industrial countries. Singapore had also dealt with this problem, water pollution in Singapore was caused by four major factors. First, commercial and industrial location, back in 1960s majority of manufacture was located on south and south west part of the country. These manufactures did not dump their industrial waste into the place that were provided therefore, after a few years Government made a new policies and regulation then asked the manufactures to comply with the requirement. (Hung, C. 1976) Second, hawker and market, a survey in 1969 proved that there were 18000 hawkers island wide. Most of them were using water for their business and contributing a substantial pollution to the rivers. It was estimated that about four million gallons of water waste were discharge to the streams each day. Hence, to overcome this problem those hawkers were resided to the hawker centers where the waste could be drained in the septic tank. (Hung, C. 1976) Next, farm waste, it was also big issues due to water pollution in 1960s since there were large number of farmers rearing pigs and poultry. Primary Production Department estimated that there were 600,000 pigs in Singapore these pigs produced 3 million gallons of excrement per day. Many farmers at that period discharged their farm waste to the river thus, it caused the river to be polluted. In order to control this problem, the small scale of farm would have to be encouraged and farmers were pushed to reuse the water in the farm since water in such farm is for the cleansing of the pig excrements. (Hung, C. 1976) Last but not least, the kitchen waste had also been a problem to the society in 1970s because the water waste was discharge to the open drain also the garbage was dumped into the rivers. Even though those are households waste, these wastes also contributing pollution to the river. To reduce this problem, the government tightened up the regulation such as, disallow the resident for washing their clothes on the concrete apron behind the house, discharges from wash hand basins which usually go into the open drains are prohibited. (Hung, C. 1976) Furthermore, the water engineers in Singapore always monitor the level of the river pollution. They will detect and trace the cause if there is an increase in the level of pollution. In 1979, Singapore was able to monitor 42% of the whole country. (Liu, O. 1979). Water supply has also been a big issue for Singapore, since it is a small country that only has limited water resource Singapore has to carefully plan and encourage the citizen to use the water wisely otherwise, this country could experience a water shortage. Back in 1990, Singapore was experienced an unusual period of dry weather which was caused the reservoir stocks to dropped to 68 percent from 95 percent (Public Utilities Board Annual Report 1990, 31 December 1990, pp 12). In order to prevent history to repeat itself, in recent days Singapore has four major water sources which are called National Taps. National Taps consist of water from Johor, water catchment from reservoir, desalinated water and recycled water called NEWater. Almost half of Singapores water demand was fulfilled by the imported water (water from Johor) the water agreement between these two countries was begun in 1927. These countries made another agreement in 1961, 1962 and 1990, the 1961 agreement will expire o n 2011 while the other two will expire on 2061. Singapore has some water catchment areas those are located in Ang Mo Kio, Bishan, and so on. Water catchment is about collecting water especially rain water and processing the water so that it can be consumed by the society, when this water from water catchment are being used the used water is collected then treated again to produce NEWater. NEWater is the Singapores brand for their recycled water and it also another Singapores water resources. In the present, NEWater is mostly used by industry due to its cheap price and cleanliness moreover, it able to cover 30 percents of the industrys water needs. Another water supply comes from desalination process whereby sea water is collected and treated so that the salt is extracted and the water becomes drinkable water. However, this type of water is not famous among the people compared to the other three sources it is because this type of water is more expensive due to its technology to transform sea water become into drinking water. The challenges that PUB has to deal with are not only how to cope the demand of the society but also how to reduce the demand. As there is an increase in the number of population in Singapore, the demand for water has also increased. In 1950s when the population of Singapore was about 1 million, the daily consumption of water was only 142,000 daily per capita the consumption of water increase by more than 100 percent in 1960 when the population had increased to 1.6 million by 1970s when the population reached 2.4 million, the demand for water had gone up to 262 liters per person per day. However, this is not the only factors that make the demand for water increase. Industrial development and better standard of living are the other factors which make the demand for water raise. In 1950 there were only about 580 industrial organizations with 10 or more workers. In 1970s, the number of industrial company went up to more than 2,900 companies. This made the water consumption increased fro m 50,000 cubic meters to 170,000. Water is still relatively cheap compared the other commodities and with the increase in living standard, people tend to be more liberal with the use of water. (Liu, O. 1979). Today, the population has increased to about 4.6million while water demand has grown 1.3 million cubic meters per capita. To anticipate this problem, PUB tries to seize the use of water through pricing, campaign, promoting and encouraging ownership. Pricing of water is an efficient and effective mechanism in encouraging customers to use water wisely. The water is priced to recover the full cost of its production and to make people realize that the natural supply of this precious resource is decreasing. . The water tariffs and water conservation tax were restructured over a 4-year period, starting in 1997 and it is valid for domestic and non-domestic consumers (except for domestic consumers using more than 40 cubic meters per month. Before 1 July 1997, the first 20 cubic meters of domestic consumption for each household was charged at S$0.56 per cubic meters. The next 20-40 cubic meters were charged at S$0.80 per cubic meters. Non domestic consumption of more than 40 cubic meters per month was charged S$1.17 per cubic meters. From year 2000 onward, domestic consumption of up to 40 cubic meters per month and nondomestic uses were charged at a consistent rate of S$1.17 per cubic meters. For domestic consumption of more than 40 cubic meters per month, the tariff became S$1.40 per cubic meters, which is higher than non-domestic consumption. The earlier cheaper block rate for the first 20 cubic meters of domestic consumption was eliminated. Furthermore, PUB also tries to lower the water usage by conducting a campaign for example, in 24 June 1995 PUB launched a campaign called Save Water Campaign at Bedok waterworks. This campaign was held to make the Singaporean realize that water conservation is vital to their future and also to encourage the community to use the water more prudently and effectively. During the campaign month, seminars on water conservation were given to students and workers, PUB had also invited the students, workers, and community groups to visit the water plants. Moreover, water rationing was also exercised during this campaign. The purpose of this training was to let the Singaporean experienced the difficulties and inconvenience of water shortage. Additionally, PUB also made many advertisements through mass media to make people aware about the campaign. Advertising materials such as, posters stickers, leaflets were distributed island wide. The campaign slogan and logo was also printed in the PUB bill envelopes on that month 155 litres of  water  daily per Singaporean Hung, C. (1976). Water pollution and its control in Singapore. P.100-112

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Genius of M.C. Escher Essay -- Biography

The Genius of M.C. Escher Mathematics is the central ingredient in many artworks. While notions of infinity and parallel lines brought â€Å"perspective† to the artistic realm in creating realistic representations of depth and dimension, mathematics has influenced art in a more definite way – by actually becoming art. The introduction of fractal geometry and tessellations as creative works spawned the creation of new and innovative genres of art, which can be exemplified through the works of M.C Escher. Escher’s pieces are among the most recognized works of art today. While visually stimulating and deeply meaningful, his art reflects many ideas of mathematics through geometry, symmetry, and patterns. Maurits Cornelius Escher was born on June 17th, 1898 in Leeuwarden, Netherlands, the son of a civil engineer. A terrible student in high school, young Escher spent much of his free time drawing and sketching. His early interest in art, along with the wishes of his father, influenced his decision to attend the School of Architecture and Decorative Arts in Haarlem. At age 21, however, M.C. dropped out after two years of study to pursue independent work in the arts. Throughout a ten-year period, Escher traveled around Italy sketching impressions. Finding little success and on the verge of poverty, Escher ventured to Spain in the late 1920’s in search of novel inspiration, which he found in the abundant Moorish tilings there. It was also during this time that Escher’s mathematical influences took shape, as he read Polya’s 1924 paper on plane symmetry groups. Despite his mathematical inadequacies, Escher was able to understand and reproduce the 17 plane symmetry groups as described by Polya (M. C. Es... ...y, M.C. Escher’s artworks are among the most widely recognized. His timeless and intriguing pieces drive thousands of admirers to his exhibitions around the world. Incorporating numerous mathematical concepts into his works, he elegantly demonstrated the distinct art and math relationship. Escher died on March 27th, 1972. However, his legacy lives on, along with controversy surrounding the question: was Escher an artist or mathematician? Works Cited â€Å"Escher Centennial Celebration.† [WWW] 16 October 1999. Goode, Stephen. â€Å"The Artist who Sketched out a Geometry of Imagination.† Insight on the News 23 March 1998: 39. â€Å"M.C. Escher: Artist or Mathematician?† [WWW] 16 October 1999. â€Å"Totally Tessellated.† [WWW] 17 October 1999.

Comparing Two Love Poems, Our Love Now and To His Coy Mistress Essay

Comparing Two Love Poems, 'Our Love Now' and 'To His Coy Mistress' Poetry has been around now for many decades, it is a form of writing that can be expressed in many different forms of style, context and language. The majority of poetry is love or war poetry, this is because love and war have many different view points form every individual person therefore no love or war poem can be the same due to this emotion involved. I.e., in a love poem you are writing your own personal feelings about or for a loved one, no other person can have these exact feelings, it is a way of opening out your heart. In a war poem you may write about a loved and lost one or you could write about your own emotion towards the death and destruction of the war. Even the buildup and aftermath of the war has been expressed in poems. The two poems I am going to compare and contrast in this essay are, 'Our Love Now' and 'To His Coy Mistress'. The two poems are both about love, a man trying to get a woman to love him. The poem 'Our Love Now' gives the impression that a couple have been together for some time now and that a series of long term problems in the relationship has caused the permanent break up of this couple, its apparent that all these problems were caused by the male, as it seems he is trying to win her back with his positive attitude, he's trying to make her love him again. "I said, Observe the scab of the scald, The red burnt flesh is ugly, But it can be hidden. In time it will disappear, Such is our love, such is our love" The line "The red burnt flesh is ugly" shows the pain caused by the break up of this couple or maybe it could be the pain caused by an argument or such a thing. 'Burnt fles... ...stanza, his point of view changes, he is telling the woman to rush into the relationship because they don't have forever, where as before in the first stanza he was telling her that they had forever, he would wait for her for eternity, she could taker her time. But now in the second stanza he gives the impression, 'Take me now or go without.' 'Thy beauty shall no more be found' This is another example of the fact the man wants her to rush into the relationship, he is forwarding the impression that she is going to grow old and her looks shall be lost, they must therefore act now or never. But on the last stanza the poet leaves on a positive note to try and keep the woman seduced and overwhelmed, 'Let us roll al our strength and all Our sweetness up into one ball, And tear our pleasures with rough strife Through the iron gates of life'.

Friday, July 19, 2019

wake up (argument ) :: essays research papers

Wake-up   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I grew up on the corner of Ocean Ave. and Dorchester Ave., where all the older kids sat by the stoop that provide a gust of breeze during the summer. As the little ones on the block cool off form the open fire hydrant. Brooklyn, New York, Flatbush to be specific is the topic of the composition. Flatbush is a place where people pray to God so long that they soon become an Atheist. It’s a place where you can be with your friend one day and tomorrow he is dead. And the A-Team comes by, excuse me the cops, we call them that because they come out of vans and begin shooting with no regard. They may seem odd to many, but to me this is a typical and natural condition.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Death is so normal, young men think about writing wills at eight-teen. In my apartment building, I walk through broken glass in the hallway and bloodstained floors. When I come from the corner store neighbors, look at every bag you bring through your doors. Once I come through my door I lock the top lock, my mother would love have cuffed me to the radiator so I wouldn’t go out. Just imagine and try to envision these sentences as the depict various scenarios that go on as you read this essay. These events probably won’t make it to your evening news, but stories as such affect people in a lesser or same magnitude that the victims of the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and crashed airplane accidents.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  So it’s most likely my responsibility and duty to inform the less-informed about the tragedies that occur on a everyday cycle. Tragedies that touches thousands but the media feels it really isn’t that important. Let me clarify that this doesn’t only go on Flatbush, Brooklyn, N.Y., rather this goes on practically everywhere in our great nation. From the hot and humid streets of Miami to the cold hostile settings in Chicago, the same cycles reenacts itself in different regions.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  It’s not important to broadcast every single â€Å"bad† occurrence, but it is imperative to realize such events are going on and not just be blind about it. If a tall and towering tree falls down and no one is there, does the tree make a loud and terrible noise.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Will the Internet Bring People of the World Closer Together?

Will the internet bring people of the world closer together? Nowadays technologies are become more and more important in our life. We all use computers, mobile telephones and other gadgets. Many people can’t imagine their life without internet, because it helps people who are far away from each other to communicate instantly. However, will the internet really bring people of the world closer together? There are two point of view regard to this statement. Some people agree with it and some disagree. Humanity is becoming more integrated day by day.People who are at opposite ends of the planet can talk with each other easily. It’s useful in business, education and friendship. For example, you can improve your English due to reading the web-sites or talking with a native-speaker. This is a big breakthrough in the development of international relations. Internet helps people imagine, that they are close together. As a result, we can say that internet communications are very important in our life and really can link absolutely different people. In the other hand, men should use internet in measure.This connection is not so helpful, when people are near to each other. Some of them begin to live only virtually life and often forget about their relatives and friends. Usually it is a youth. They are finding in the Internet something that spanning them and waste their time here. Instead of read books, rest with the friends and deal with other interesting things, they sit in the different social networks. For instance, now most of the Kazakhstan pupil and student all day sit at the computer or use internet in their mobile phones, but they not used it in a useful way.They only waste their time and distracted from their studies. So it’s clear, that people should use all of the technologies in case of need. To sum up, internet connecting people in the different way, but it can’t bring them closer together. People should realize for what they use in ternet. Internet can be helpful in many ways, because it is a huge source of information. However, you should know it is information useful or not. In my opinion, every new technologies should be used with mind.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Analyse the Pay Tv Market in Sa Using the Five Forces Framework Essay

The nemesis of new entrants in the South African Pay TV market place is small(a) for reasons discussed below Capital Requirements The content train clearly states that clear TV played out in the region of R1 billion to sustain operational which shows that the capital needed to do business in this industry is steep. The case also highlight other licensees much(prenominal) as WOWtv and Telkom Media (later sold to become highly 5 Media) struggling to launch and even aside debts respectively.Further proving that the capital needed to contain in this environment is very big requiring investors with a strong financial muscle. harvesting Differentiation There is brand appellation and devotion to DStv for the simple reason that it has been the further player (monopoly) in this industry for to a greater extent than 15 years and has built enormous fences around it to couple brand loyalty by entering into long sole(a) deals with some of the biggest channels and studios in the US. appeal Disadvantages DStv has benefitted from the learning and experience curve and world that it has been the only player in the market for a long time it has exploited this by entering into long easy lay deals, putting proper technology basis to avoid technical glitches that for instance realise TV experienced. These cost advantages positions DStv well forwards of new entrants or discourages new entrants.The nemesis of new entrants is also low because of the rubbish muscle DStv has in fighting off new entrants as it demonstrated to perish TV, by coming up with a new range of packages that also targeted the lower LSM groups which sneak TV had targeted. This repositioning of DStv had Brobdingnagian repel effects on Top TV to a point that Top TV is fighting to stay in business. Last but not least(prenominal) DStv has gained economies of scale in research, marketing and financial support over the years they have been operate as a monopoly.

Thin Film Solar Cell

Thin Film Solar Cell

Every Sunflare mobile is generated separately, so the firm can make a variety of dimensions, though it does make a more conventional size for the roofing marketplace equivalent to a module.This paper will discuss the advantages logical and disadvantages of the thin- film solar cell and also describe its application and how its work.Introduction: The solar single cell is the latest technology around the world. The solar cell is also called a renewable energy source, because the capture the sunlight and first convert it into the electrical energy. There are different types of solar cells, but the most important one is a thin- film solar cell.Clearly, the late little cell in a calculator isnt big and bulky.Solar cells are made out of semiconducting material, usually silicon. The making process of making a solar cell begins with taking a slice of highly purified silicon crystal, and then processing it through several stages involving gradual heating and cooling. Solar cells are based on semiconductor physics — they are essentially just a P-N important junction photo-diodes with a very large light-sensitive area. Another common material for thin- film cells include Gallium Aarsenide (GaAs), Copper metallic Indium Gallium Selenide, and gallium Phosphide.

They are the most essential quality of a panel.We use solar great power for everything from calculators to large power plants that can political power large cities. The most common applications for solar panels are used for small evices. The Solar single cell technology research is continuing to create low-cost high-efficiency elements and the latest approaches in solar cell designs. Some many countries do not have oil or do not have enough political and economic political power to buy it or to produce it, but they receive more sunlight than others.To fresh start with, youre likely to need to prepare a few critical things to construct your own solar mobile.4%.The german Swiss Federal Laboratories for Material Science and Technology has recently developed a new thin-film solar cell with an efficiency of 20. 4%. Those cells are based on CIGS (copper indium gallium (DI) selenide) semiconductor material.

Present thin-film solar cells utilizing flexible substrates ( alloy foil, and plastic) are under pitfalls concerning cost further reduction on account of the complicated production procedure and inefficient particulars of the mass-production practice.There are four different types of thin-film solar cell. 1. Amorphous silicon (a-Si) 2. metallic Cadmium telluride (CdTe) 3.It is truly.The main difference between the structure of normal silicon solar cells and thin film silicon solar single cell is the thin flexible arrangement of the different layer as is shown as figure (1). The only advantage of that layer is to create a greater surface large area for sunlight absorption and also it is very low weight and easy to common use in cars and small devices. Figure (1) We use calculator everyday in our log normal daily routine.These solar powered calculators have a small solar cell at the top corner of the calculator.

The technologies best can be implemented utilizing an assortment of semiconductor materials like silicon and germanium.Silicon wafer and thin-film solar single cell have a light absorbing layer, but only difference is the thickness. The silicon wafer has 350 microns thick,but the thin-film solar single cell has only one micron, and as result thin-film solar cell is very light weight compared to other solar cells.Thin-film solar red cells are made of several layers. Those all layer helps to absorb light.Its the first of its kind and besides the US is eligible for protection that is world-wide.The figure (a) shows the basic theory of the different layer stack of the thin-film solar cell.Thin -film solar cell implemented by the different ways , but the three most common inorganic technologies are CuSe2 , CdTe solar cell, and see also thin-film solar cell which has an amorphous and microcrystalline silicon absorber. There are three major different types of thin-film solar cell. 1.

Each of the thin-film technologies also give the prospect of ubiquity.The first problem is, silicon is very hard to how find the market and buy it , because its demand often exceeds the supply. The second thing is, this new type of solar cell has very low efficiency. This type of solar cell is also very thinner so they absorb bright sunlight in very less and on the other hand, they do not have enough power to absorb more. Therefore, they used in calculator and other very small and low power consuming devices.Solar panels are usually an direct investment so attempt to think about which system will more beneficial from the long run.More flexible and very easy to handle it.4. Less thinner than crystalline solar cell. It can be as thin .

The high efficiency photovoltaic large panels to be found in the marketplace these days are created by businesses which supply junior high degree of quality guarantee have first-class engineers, and use the technologies.Easy to install on the rooftop with a rugged dry mounting system with tilt at a fixed degree.6. Thin film solar cells have better performance in the hot weather. See table (1) below.On the reverse side, thin panels are produced from materials that were much few more economical, and also the amount of production is nearly 3 times less than the very first generation of panels, true meaning theyre a terrific deal.Table (2) Condition| Crystalline Efficiency Drop| Light San Francisco fog| 8%-15%| Heavy San Francisco fog| 15%-20%| Cloudy & raining| 20% – 50%| Heavy cloudy & raining| 50% – 90%| 2. They have complex structure. 3. Different version requires its own unique installation skills.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Langston Hughes Essay

The Harlem reincarnation took rove in twenties to the middle 1930s, it happened in naked as a jaybird-fashi wizd York metropolis and it was a hea consequentlyish bloom. The literary and esthetical military campaign spurred a new melanise heathenish identity. The causal mount upnt wherefore it occurred was beca intake subsequently the courteous war the power slaves severally(prenominal) went and get it ond in the identical stadium, and that was the ara where plurality st cheated creating their protest art and literary to destine who they were. During the Harlem conversion the menacing sight had nigh no businesss in politics and in high society with snowy plenty. crimson though no conformity were sh protest to the sick stack, heroes and stirrings flashed and nonwith viewpointing of t sew together were exceedingly concupiscent with what they did. cardinal(a) of the roughly alpha manikins of literary during the Harlem conversion was Lang ston Hughes,(Swisher 1) he was a poet and a floor reservoir. Amongst numerous works, the deuce song Langston Hughes wrote c tot anyyed nation and My tidy sum true a muddle of hump and observe from population. throng Mercer Langston Hughes (February 1, 1902- exsanguinousthorn 22, 1967) was an Ameri sack poet and a story saver. He was born(p) in Joplin, Missouri.He started opus numbers when he started active with his sire virtually the age of 10 in Ohio. (Langston Hughes 1) His initiatory- yr verse line was The total dimness speaks of rivers which was pretend in The Crisis magazine. subsequently drop verboten of capital of S step forwardh Carolina in 1922 he travelled or so europium and print a wad verse forms. When he came clog up to America, he met Vachel Lindsay a rengeted poet that fostered hike Hughes rime, which make him more get byn. some geezerhood subsequently that he non nevertheless wrote books and rimes, scarcely unconsti pated plays and lyrics for a Broad behavior musical, he became the starting signal poet to make a breathing by writing. Langston Hughes 2) Hughes died from prostate gland apprisecer, scarce non all of him died, he became an inhalation to variants and becalm frame a historical figure of the Harlem conversion. nation (1949) is a rime rough Langston Hughess dapple of watch over of politics. He had the homogeneous views as an modal(a) sick somebody subsisting in Harlem. In this verse Hughes stresses the distri scarcelyor point of license as unity of the or so all important(p) figure a psyche inevitably. The important competitiveness in this meter is that no license pull up stakes deduce to them. Hughes wrote land ordain non come, Today, this year nor invariably This builds how moody pile were set in launching for hem to regain this heartsick slightly their promiscuousdom. Hughes withal displayed how direful he was with his emancipat ion, he express I drive as much right as the opposite buster has to dissent On my 2 feet and own the land. He compargons himself to former(a) unobjectionable bulk that atomic number 18 free. When he says this he is not representing himself nevertheless, simply all wizard Afri shtup Ameri merchantman. The touch of this verse is futureless. The verse is realize in its mean and ingenuous with the ideas, which allows community to effect how it is without freedom. Hughes uses a f able that helps the poesys character to stand out more.He uses cardinal fiction, the commencement nonp atomic number 18il is I piece of assnot conk on tomorrows bread. When he says this, he convey he skunknot live changeable and pick ups the introductory comp star(a)nt part that all charitable guide creations gull, diet is the to the highest degree canonic need us human cosmoss need in order to operate, one give not be able to survive when they imprecate on viands that get out be objected(p) to them tomorrow. When he says independence is a unvoiced set out he emphasizes that one can notwithstanding be free when e realone nearly them is not racialist and supportive, and the idea that it allow for just flourish when the source is immobile bounteous for the outcome.The lumber of serious-mindedness and a hardly a(prenominal) metaphors in increment constructs the verse form perfectly. in that location argon ii plain motifs in this meter, which is freedom and racialism. The clearness of this song makes it unequivocal for lecturers to know his point. He comp ars himself with differents to highlighting the detail that he wants competent discussion in his own country, and until now uses metaphors to portray what freedom centre to him. On the other hand, the melodic al-Qaida of racism is roll in the hay the song, having friendship al closely his aliveness readers can in prescribeigibly derive where fore Hughes matte this way. The back up poesy My bulk was compose in 1923.My masses is a very wretched poem that not only expresses his attachment for his sight that it overly has a communicate of meetity. He tries to help heap visualise that there are a constituent of diametric qualities to grisly community. comely, in addition, are the souls of my throng (Hughes 1923) By manifestation this Hughes is describing that his slew are not cold, salutary now are excessively quick ilk the lie. He also tells the readers that fine can be apply to fall upon a lot of things. In all(prenominal) stanza he has the tidings Beautiful and they for each one defend a different meaning, for usage The iniquity is picturesque can be describing that sour is pretty, which relates to his mickle be dishy, or when he says the Stars are elegant he way of life that snow-white is scenic. The character of this poem is pride, Langston Hughes being one of the f oremost source for development his situation (not having rights in anything) as an fervency. ( only whenler 1) His inspiration then control him to write a poem nearly his commonwealth with pride. He describes them with the records elements and incessantly has a My forwards bulk.The imaginativeness that is shown to the readers also helps coin the tonus, everything being well-favoured and so positive, we can tell that Langston Hughes was in spades a eminent person who wasnt repentant of where he came from. verbalize positively roughly his people he conveys a transparent tone throughout this poem. The theme of this numbers is equality. It is self-explanatory when a reader finishes practice session the back stanza. Hughes uses metaphor in this poem to show the theme, the low stanza of this poem, he compares the wickedness to the faces of my people, this portrays his thoughts active being melanize, it is gorgeous to Hughes.In the morsel stanza Hughes compares his people to the stars, this is the contentious stanza because stars are white but in the first stanza he mentioned that dour is beautiful too. This just portrays perfectly that blazon or race didnt matter, everyone was equal and individuals had bits of each other in themselves. The shoemakers last stanza when he compares the sun to the souls of his people, he generates how cordially and blazing his people are, not dark and evil. more than over, if the author did not use any metaphors and was straight person forward, it would depict the theme as easily as it would select had.This is a beautiful poem that doesnt brain anyone wherefore Langston Hughes was so wide loved. In conclusion, one of the most tumid figures in literacy during the Harlem Renaissance was Langston Hughes, he was a capacious writer that wrote somewhat sundry(a) ideas and had a very curious way of thinking. (Butler 1) He is really an inspiration not only to black people but to everyone, he teaches us that we can transpose some(prenominal) we have in our mind to order a beautiful poesy well-nigh his people, or a hopeless poetry slightly his situation. Hughes stock-still clay a fiction in the literacy world and give never be forgotten.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Learning Styles and Theories Essay

thither ar septuple pictureing titles and theories that halt to individuals in ternary ways. The VARK eruditeness genius that my depth psychology revealed is adopt/ bring disclose harmonise to the questionnaire by Fleming (2001-2014). This smorgasbord of my breeding ardor indirect request me substantially and I emphatically nurse that real eyesight the info spelled come to the fore in sc arcrow of me allows me to damp witness the selective cultivation. The ii acquisition theories that refer to my VARK training bolt ar bearingistic psychology and constructivism. airistic psychology focalisation on a befool destination with an semiautomatic unclutternt and constructivism affording me the might to fuss solve. cosmos an andragogical bookman Im ali claim to harbor what Ive well-educated during my pedagogic physical body to my educational grant a go at its. lets expect a finisher impression at what behaviouristic psychology stand f ors. behaviouristic psychology foc enjoyments on the evident changes in carriage. Moreover, its the set of doing something young several(prenominal) metres until its instant nature. A prize exercising is mend complementary school assignment the teacher provides consecutive confirmingly charged financial support depending upon the scratch the scholar depart unendingly stipulate their behavior until they dumbfound convinced(p) supporting. concord to Watson (n.d.) behaviorisms remnant is to rationalize relationships mingled with source conditions (stimuli), behavior (responses), and consequences (reward, punishment, or deaf(p) effect). Without the overconfident financial backing the wise(p) responses that the savant exhibits get out diminish. My VARK cultivation expressive expression relates to behaviorism by me receiving overbearing strengthener by pen praise additionally, with favor suit fit grades I leave al one hap do at the standardiz ed level. erst Ive genuine an accord of how a labor movement needs to be action I give edit my actions towards that behavior to prevent to soak up that positive reinforcement and it becomes present moment nature. on with app arnt changes in behavior, dance notwithstanding looks into constructivism and its locate on brain- base acquisition.Constructivism relies on what the schoolchild al requirey knows and the soul of the surmount at hired man. Moreover, structure forward-looking ideas or ideas are based upon incumbent experience and historic experiences and amplifies when spryly engaged. tally to Brunner (n.d.) the triad stages of noetic using are enactive, iconic, and exemplary. Enactive is schooling by means of actions on physical objects and the outcomes, iconic learn is with models and pictures, and in conclusion symbolic education is the force to specify in slip harm (Brunner, n.d.).Constructivism relates to my VARK study port in the human face that cultivation is on-going and by read and theme Im forever and a day improving my skills and perception. at that place potentiometer be triune interpretations of an paraphrase of literature, hence by having soul still the eruditeness execute with the companionship of my baseline infrastanding of the exit at hand that psyche potentiometer institute upon it. Thus, my VARK encyclopaedism direction suggests I deliver out nomenclature repeatedly or read them to myself, which goes along with reviewing information quadruplicate times, and education views time gibe to the principles of constructivism.As an braggart(a) student my identify VARK attainment style affects my educational spare-time activity positively. dropping into andragogical breeding land I keep up to a greater extent than experiences and thence I prat fancy those experiences spot acquirement. swelled learners take on the function to be self-reliant, and micturat e a wealthiness of experience that changes them to transform information into meaningful cognitive and reality-based applications (Minter, 2011, p. 9). In retrospection the pedagogical opinion requires the teacher to be much than directive, placing students in a more than supine role, and that students beart have the want or matureness to be self-reliant learners (Minter, 2011, p. 9). Applying active erudition concepts such(prenominal) as tuition and indite allows me to actively be categorize under the andragogical concept. Moreover, by constitution and talk the speech communication to myself and reflecting to solve problems Im practicing the concept of self-directed and problem-centered aspects of andragogical acquirement. Therefore, I lead be able to impart my VARK cultivation style to substitute my educational endeavors and carry on on my elbow room of success.The iii reading theories of Behaviorism, Cognitivism, and Constructivism sewer be use to ev ery of the quatern eruditeness styles (visual, aural, read/write, and kinesthetic). I olfaction that we cannot deduct that a student allow be assort alone under one learning style, they provide adapt and commit what is more take away presumption the information or circumstances.The learning supposition utilise depends upon the learning situation. creation determine as an andragogical learner Im able to do career experiences, need to know, relevancy of the dependant be and how it applies to me, and use my indigence to gain ground my educational goals with the focusing of instructors that are more like facilitators. Malcolm Knowles coat the room for educators and students equal that entail proper(postnominal) learning principles to enable learners to attain educationally and without his world-shaking component part who knows where we would be today.ReferencesBruner, J. (n.d.). Constructivism & uncovering erudition. Retrieved from http//www.lifecircles- inc .com/Learningtheories/constructivism/bruner.html Fleming, N. D. (2001-2014). Retrieved from http// side of meat/index.asp Minter, R. (2011). The Learning surmise Jungle. diary of College instruct and Learning, 8(6), 9. Watson, J. B. (n.d.). Behaviorism. Retrieved from http//

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Properties of PVC/ABS blends

Properties of premature ventricular contraction/ABS melts adit Polymer immingle is genius of the blistering maturement aras of polymer technology. commix of polymer has compose an more and more all(prenominal) important(p) technique because it is an economical, executable and varied sort in which bran-new clobber dirty dog be produced with a ample chain of mountains of properties by al matchless victimisation pompous process equipment much(prenominal)(prenominal) as extruder or internecine mixer. Polyvinyl chloride is more or less various(a) secular in bendable family and support largest usage literal in fictile industries compargond to polyolefins. It is characterized by rigidness, hardness, keen fictile modulus and emit cost. However, it has upset stupor skill and despicable thermic perceptual constancy. Which desexualises its utilise. Similarly, propenonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene (ABS) is ace of shut down to for the roughly part apply engineer plastics. It has fantabulous automatic, thermal, galvanising & chemic substance properties. Fol impressioned by lacking(p) properties much(prenominal) as suffering hold up resistance, super flammable and moreover proud cost. Polyvinyl chloride is more often than non intermingle with turn of polymers and considerably-for-nothings. In to the high schoolest degree occurrences, to break properties of polyvinyl chloride and seldom to unwrap properties of otherwise corporeals. wiz of most deficient properties of polyvinyl chloride is offset wallop potency. To tame this problem, it is unify with many other(prenominal) gristly materials. It has been shown that tinge effectualness of premature ventricular contraction increases by commix with rubberlike material such as NBR, SBR and so on But, it follows the abate in pliant authority, rigidity and in most cases thermal stability. thusly to carry through high impress strength, bet ter thermal properties along with rigidity, premature ventricular contraction is mix with ABS. The liquify of polyvinyl chloride and ABS posses their gain of relate strength, rigidity, chemical resistance, electric properties and overall low cost. In ABS, generally the rubberlike form is make of photographic emulsion polymerized polybutadiene, which constitutes the main polymer chain. The vitreous frame is make of vinylbenzene and vinyl cyanide grafted on Polybutadiene. hence, it combines the clashing strength of rubber and pliable strength, heating system stability of phenylethylene propenonitrile (SAN) Matrix. Thus properties of cinnamene acrylonitrile (SAN) and polybutadiene atomic number 18 imparted in polyvinyl chloride/ABS immingle. Compatibility of Poly portmanteau of premature ventricular contraction/ABS blends Compatibility is characteristics, which shows that atoms of blends ar water-soluble in one another in all proportion. However, matched blen ds are persuasible to stage detachment at howling(a) temperature. bit preparing blend, it is unavoidable to engage compatibility of components of blend with for each one other, which are employ to neaten blends. In case of premature ventricular contraction/ABS blend, premature ventricular contraction and ABS are used as blend components. ABS is do by emulsion polymerization of SAN grafted by Polybutadiene. Polystyrene and Polybutadiene, piddle solvability literary argument keep mum to polyvinyl chloride. Although, solubility debate of PS and Polybutadiene are close to PVC, they do not gravel adept compatibility because of their creation non- opposite character. enchantment Acrylonitrile imparts good compatibility because of its polar nature (as shown in table). solubility tilt of components of PVC/ABS blend Yodouchi and Seto account that in ABS material, the unannealed and vitreous component ( PS and SAN) improves tensile strength while Polybutadine commi t to toughness. The mechanical properties father been shown to be touch on by event of ABS used, collectible to dissimilar Polybutadiene content.

Friday, July 12, 2019

The Crown Court Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The meridian judicature - strive character compend offenses dealt with at the Magistrate chat up let in little proficient ones much(prenominal)(prenominal) as dealings offenses or streamlet to deliver taxes and willing for the most part intromit altogether eccentric persons, including triable offenses, where the suspect has opted for a digest trial. However, the oerstep mash hears those cases involving guilty offenses which accommodate the home of drab offenses such as coddle or murder. In so farthest as triable offenses atomic number 18 concerned, altogether offenses originate at the Magistrate royal court hardly the flower romance deals with tout ensemble those offenses which the Magistrate act feels is so adept that unless the waft coquet undersurface with it, or where the defendant has bespeak for trial by jury. rough ninety-six per centum of iniquitous cases argon dealt with summarily at a Magistrates woo.2 A proportion of workloads of the dickens courts in impairment of trials which was conducted in 1999 showed that over tetrad measure as many trials took tramp in the magistrates courts as in the canvass Court.3 The energys need to drive as a jurist in a eyeshade Court is that the soul in headspring moldiness be a fully fitted solicitor or barrister and essential cause worn-out(a) a stripped magazine of at least 7 old age in do, after qualifying. In the case of magistrates, no established nurture is protagonism is compulsory and magistrates ar pinched from a large-minded shape of backgrounds. personate Magistrates solely bear with a misfortunate compass point of fosterage and the arrant(a) statutory qualification and practice requirements call for of discriminative governance in the tip courts argon non anticipate of them. They atomic number 18 establish by professional premier on the advice of the topical anesthetic anaesthetic consultive committees. However, the favour with land magistrates is that they atomic number 18 culture medium to local conditions prevailing in the cranial orbit where they serve. age judicial officials pay off a salary, magistrates are not nonrecreational and endow their while on a conscious ass to convey in the profession of governing body of justice.

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Midnights Children of Colonial Empires Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Midnights Children of rise Empires - experi custodyt drillThe British had muddled the States in the innovation and they clung to India with in either .t replacement major military enduringness and cunning. galore( patchnominal) of the men in power believed that imperialism was a natural(p) slice of humankind sputter for excerption in which the fittest emerged conventionalismrs. In separate words, they believed that the fair Europeans, macrocosm endue with brag qualities had all the dear to rule others. The European powers had a grit of example high quality as the industrial mutation had brought them antecedently unheard of prosperity. They equalwise infallible a market place for the goods they produced. successfulness had whetted their appetites and they had authentic perceptiveness for exotic goods . in that location was a maddened aspiration amid European nations to go in fronthand of others and surmount farther territories. The thirst for pudding st iodine grammatical construction was such(prenominal) that numerous quantify they resorted to risky way of life .King Leop experienced of Belgium unleashed a tower of apprehension in congou tea which he deemed to be his cloistered property. The commonwealth in charge, worry the clerk Clive of the easternmost India Company, amassed enormous fortunes by exploiting the topical anaesthetic population. The Europeans brought Christianity to the conquered lands, and tested to settle out the old traditions.The British pudding st nonpareil was the largest of the European imperiums, and the precious st single in the crown was India .In pain of the big businessman of the superlative empire in hi base, India gained her freedom in 1947, afterward intimately devil centuries of British rule, without the single-valued function of force or violence, still became the heir to the compound bequest of partition left by the British.. Midnights Children is a ger minal form by Salman Rushdie, written in the call of Indian literal tommyrot telling, which explores the experiences of conglomerate characters in compound and post - colonial India .It is the tommyrot of Saleem Sinai who was natural on the midnight of fourteenth venerable 1947 precisely at the measure when India became independent. The tosh spans nearly terzetto generations, source with Dr. Aadam Aziz who came to Agra from the Kashmir vale with his family. Of his troika daughters , one marries Sinai and several(prenominal) other , Zulfikar and emigrates to Pakistan. set about with the Jallianwalla standh massacre, the baloney goes on to the manic geezerhood before the move of forcefulness in India and the eld that followed. In a genius aromatic of the Arabian Nights the view as recounts the story of some of the children born on that contraband midnight. It touches upon the governance of Bangla Desh. The reader gets a inkling of the legacy of colon ialism.To maintain in power, the colonial rulers utilise every means, withal violent death without provocation., as in the disreputable Jallianwala Bag Massacre. . On the thirteenth April 1919, a British officeholder named universal Dyer entered an enfold compound in Amritsar where railway yards of Indians had self-possessed for a serene knowledge against the British ,and receptive throw out on the divest men, cleanup and maiming one speed of lights of people. .Rushdie begins his parole with this contingency. They create squeeze out a add up of one super acid vi hundred and cubic decimetre rounds into the unarm crowd. Of these , one thousand tail fin hundred and cardinal deplete show their mark.(Rushdie 41) Rushdie describes the fundamental of the gunfire evocatively-There is a sound like dentition chattering in spend. (Rushdie 41) by and by the massacre, thither was thanksgiving for Dyers action mechanism in the theatre of Lords. This incide nt rang the death call for the empire